Moving into winter, it’s important to consider various factors when looking for a home heating system. Something that often gets overlooked during the decision making process is the impact your heating system has on your allergies and asthma. In Australia today one in nine or 2.3 million individuals have asthma. Although asthma cannot be cured, for most people it can be well managed.
The Impact of Regular Home Heating Systems
Many traditional forms of home heating can circulate dust, pollutants and smoke around the house, which can trigger asthma. In most cases, open wood fire heaters, unflued gas heating and ducted heating can be quite problematic.
1. Open fires/ wood fire heaters
Although open fires and wood fire heaters are lovely in the winter time, they can pose quite an issue for those with asthma. Open fires and wood heaters generate smoke, which is actually a form of air pollutant. Wood fire heaters also create other particulate matter emissions. If you are suffering from asthma it is a good idea to avoid these forms of heating.
2. Ducted heating
Fan forced ducted heating can collect and circulate dust. If not cleaned regularly, ducted heating will continue to circulate and spread dust all over the house, which can be a trigger for asthma. Additionally, it is not uncommon to find dust mites living within the ducts.
3. Unflued gas heating
Unflued gas heating can release chemicals and air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. These heaters also emit water vapour that can lead to mould and dust mites, which are also triggers fro asthma. Fortunately, these heaters were recently banned from sale in Victoria.
The Solution
Hydronic heating is an asthma and allergy friendly heater. Hydronic heating systems work through the method of heating water with a gas boiler and transporting that heated water through pipes throughout the house, resulting in the even dispersion of heat. There is no forced air circulation and therefore no dust and allergens. That being said, the potential for damaging bacteria to enter into your house is eliminated.
Additionally, hydronic heating is one of the most energy and cost efficient forms of heating. Hydronic heating systems are also safe to touch, making them suitable for children, pets and the elderly. Further, they are silent, allowing you to create a calm and peaceful environment in your home.
If you or a family member are suffering from Asthma, it may be a good idea to look into hydronic heating to help manage and reduce potential triggers.
Want to find out how to get hydronic heating in your home? Contact Us to get an online quote today!